Meet the Maker

Howdy and welcome to Mare Stare Leathercraft Co! My name is Jaide Branconnier, and I'm the owner of Mare Stare Leathercraft Co, located in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I share my home with my lovely fiancé, James, and all of our animals. Leather is an integral part of our life, and has been since I was young. The fit of a good pair of boots, the comfort of a good saddle, the lucky reins, the purse that won't ever retire. It wasn't until 2022 I decided to start leathercrafting and developing my skills. Since then, the infatuation has only grown. It is my ultimate goal to produce those leather goods, the ones without expiry, the ones that would have endless stories to tell should they be able to talk. My passion lies in the western culture, with the cow ponies, the cedar trees, and the sage. Aside from my animals, my family and my leather, nature is my best friend. I am lucky enough to live in what I consider is one of the most breath taking places on earth, and it inspires my work every day. Thank you for supporting my small one woman business & my passion. 


Thanks for reading, I’m excited to produce all the best leather goods I am capable of for my customers, without you all, this would not be possible for me! 

~ Jaide Branconnier, Owner and artist of Mare Stare Leathercraft Co.